嵌入式 BSD 系统 RetroBSD

RetroBSD 是 2.11BSD 的移植版本,主要用于嵌入式系统和固定内存映射的设备上。当前目标是 Microchip PIC32 微控制器,包含 128K 内存和 512K 闪存。PIC32 处理器使用 MIPS M4K 架构,可执行数据内存和在用户和核心模式下的灵活的 RAM 分区。

chipKIT Max32 board, with Arduino Ethernet shield R3 or chipKIT WiFi shield.
Sparkfun UBW32 board, with SD card socket.
Maximite computer.
Microchip Explorer 16 board, with PIC32 CAN-USB plug-in module and SD & MMC pictail.
Microchip PIC32 USB or Ethernet Starter Kit, with I/O Expansion board and SD & MMC pictail.
Olimex Duinomite, Duinomite-Mini, Duinomite-Mega and Duinomite-eMega boards.
Olimex Pinguino-Micro board with PIC32MX795F512H microcontroller.
eflightworks DIP board with micro-SD socket.
Fubarino SD board with PIC32MX795F512H microcontroller.
MikroElektronika multimedia board for PIC32MX7.
Dimitech DTX2-4105C module in a PLCC-68 format.

标签: arduino软件