Arduino 扩展库的制作(官网原文件精细翻译)-附详细实例...

Writing a Library for Arduino


This document explains how to create a library for Arduino. It starts with a sketch with a sketch for flashing Morse code and explains how to convert its functions into a library. This allowsother people to easily use the code that you've written and to easily update it as you improve the library.

We start with a sketch that does simple Morse code:


int pin = 13;void setup(){pinMode(pin, OUTPUT);}void loop(){dot(); dot(); dot();dash(); dash(); dash();dot(); dot(); dot();delay(3000);}void dot(){digitalWrite(pin, HIGH);delay(250);digitalWrite(pin, LOW);delay(250);}void dash(){digitalWrite(pin, HIGH);delay(1000);digitalWrite(pin, LOW);delay(250);}复制代码
If you run this sketch, it will flash out the code for SOS (a distress call) on pin 13.

  运行这段代码,会使Pin 13脚发出SOS紧急呼救的莫尔斯代码信号。

The sketch has a few different parts that we'll need to bring into our library. First, of course, we have the dot() and dash() functions that do the actual blinking. Second, there's the ledPin

variable which the functions use to determine which pin to use. Finally, there's the call to pinMode() that initializes the pin as an output.


Let's start turning the sketch into a library!


You need at least two files for a library: a header file (w/ the extension .h) and the sourcefile (w/ extension .cpp). The header file has definitions for the library: basically a listing ofeverything that's inside; while the source file has the actual code. We'll call our library

"Morse", so our header file will be Morse.h. Let's take a look at what goes in it. It might seem a bit strange at first, but it will make more sense once you see the source file that goes withit.


The core of the header file consists of a line for each function in the library, wrapped up in a class along with any variables you need:

  头文件的核心是一个扩展库中所有函数的列表,这个列表以及你所需要的所有的变量写在一个类里面:class Morse
{public:Morse(int pin);void dot();void dash();private:int _pin;};复制代码A class is simply a collection of functions and variables that are all kept together in one place. These functions and variables can be public, meaning that they can be accessed by people using your library, or private, meaning they can only be accessed from within the class itself. Each class has a special function known as a constructor, which is used to create an instance of the class. The constructor has the same name as the class, and no return type.


You need a couple of other things in the header file. One is an #include statement that gives you access to the standard types and constants of the Arduino language (this is automatically added to normal sketches, but not to libraries). It looks like this (and goes above the class definition given previously):

#include "WProgram.h"复制代码
Finally, it's common to wrap the whole header file up in a weird looking construct:
#ifndef Morse_h#define Morse_h// the #include statment and code go here...// 把声明和代码写在这里#endif复制代码
Basically, this prevents problems if someone accidently #include's your library twice.


Finally, you usually put a comment at the top of the library with its name, a short description of what it does, who wrote it, the date, and the license.


Let's take a look at the complete header file:


/Morse.h - Library for flashing Morse code.Created by David A. Mellis, November 2, 2007.Released into the public domain./#ifndef Morse_h#define Morse_h#include "WProgram.h"class Morse{public:Morse(int pin);void dot();void dash();private:int _pin;};#endif复制代码Now let's go through the various parts of the source file, Morse.cpp.
First comes a couple of #include statements. These give the rest of the code access to the standard Arduino functions, and to the definitions in your header file:
  首先是一组#include报表,要把它写在文件开头,提供其余代码使用标准Arduino功能:#include "WProgram.h"#include "Morse.h"复制代码
Then comes the constructor. Again, this explains what should happen when someone creates an instance of your class. In this case, the user specifies which pin they would like to use. We
configure the pin as an output save it into a private variable for use in the other functions:

Morse::Morse(int pin){pinMode(pin, OUTPUT);_pin = pin;}复制代码
There are a couple of strange things in this code. First is the Morse:: before the name of the function. This says that the function is part of the Morse class. You'll see this again in theother functions in the class. The second unusual thing is the underscore in the name of our private variable, _pin. This variable can actually have any name you want, as long as it matchesthe definition in the header file. Adding an underscore to the start of the name is a common convention to make it clear which variables are private, and also to distinguish the name from that of the argument to the function (pin in this case).
Next comes the actual code from the sketch that you're turning into a library (finally!). It looks pretty much the same, except with Morse:: in front of the names of the functions, and _pin
instead of pin:

void Morse::dot(){digitalWrite(_pin, HIGH);delay(250);digitalWrite(_pin, LOW);delay(250);}void Morse::dash(){digitalWrite(_pin, HIGH);delay(1000);digitalWrite(_pin, LOW);delay(250);}复制代码
Finally, it's typical to include the comment header at the top of the source file as well.Let's
see the whole thing:


/Morse.cpp - Library for flashing Morse code.Created by David A. Mellis, November 2, 2007.Released into the public domain./#include "WProgram.h"#include "Morse.h"Morse::Morse(int pin){pinMode(pin, OUTPUT);_pin = pin;}void Morse::dot(){digitalWrite(_pin, HIGH);delay(250);digitalWrite(_pin, LOW);delay(250);}void Morse::dash(){digitalWrite(_pin, HIGH);delay(1000);digitalWrite(_pin, LOW);delay(250);}复制代码And that's all you need (there's some other nice optional stuff, but we'll talk about that later). Let's see how you use the library.

First, make a Morse directory inside of the libraries sub-directory of your sketchbook directory.Copy or move the Morse.h and Morse.cpp files into that directory.Now launch the Arduino
environment.If you open the Sketch > Import Library menu, you should see Morse inside.The library will be compiled with sketches that use it.If the library doesn't seem to build, make sure thatthe files really end in .cpp and .h (with no extra .pde or .txt extension, for example).
  首先,在扩展库的子目录建一个莫尔斯扩展库目录。把Morse.h和Morse.cpp文件复制或移动到该目录中。现在打开Arduino编译器。打开“Sketch”>“Import Library”菜单,你应该看到有“Morse”选项。在使用的时候该扩展库将同时被编译。如果没有看到这个扩展库,请确保文件名为正常的“.cpp”和“h”(没有其它多余的如“.pde”或“.txt”这样的扩展名)。

Let's see how we can replicate our old SOS sketch using the new library:
  让我们看看现在我们怎样用新的扩展库来编写我们的原先的程序: #include <Morse.h>Morse morse(13);void setup(){}void loop(){;;;morse.dash(); morse.dash(); morse.dash();;;;delay(3000);}复制代码
There are a few differences from the old sketch (besides the fact that some of the code has moved to a library).
First, we've added an #include statement to the top of the sketch.This makes the Morse library available to the sketch and includes it in the code sent to the board.That means if you no longer need a library in a sketch, you should delete the #include statement to save space.
Second, we now create an instance of the Morse class called morse :
Morse morse(13);
When this line gets executed (which actually happens even before the setup() function), the constructor for the Morse class will be called, and passed the argument you've given here (in
this case, just 13 ).
Notice that our setup() is now empty; that's because the call to pinMode() happens inside the library (when the instance is constructed).
  请注意,在这里“void setup()”是空的,这是因为“pinMode()”的调用发生在扩展库中(在调用函数的时候)。
Finally, to call the dot() and dash() functions, we need to prefix them with morse. - the name of the instance we want to use.We could have multiple instances of the Morse class, each on their own pin stored in the _pin private variable of that instance.By calling a function on a particular instance, we specify which instance's variables should be used during that call to a
function.That is, if we had both:
  最后,调用“dot()”和“dash()”函数时,我们需要用“morse”作它们的的前缀。程序中我们可以多次引用,它们每个的针脚数据都储存在“_pin”私有变量里。我们可以定义多个“Morse”类的函数,每一个都有自己的“_pin”私有变量。在某过个程中调用函数时,我们可以指定的不同的针脚变量,这些私有变量都仅是在函数调用过程中被使用。也就是说,如果我们有两次调用: Morse morse(13);Morse morse2(12);复制代码
then inside a call to , _pin would be 12.
  后面的私有变量“_pin”将会是针脚12 。

If you tried the new sketch, you probably noticed that nothing from our library was recognized by the environment and highlighted in color.Unfortunately, the Arduino software can't automatically figure out what you've define in your library (though it would be a nice feature to have), so you have to give it a little help.To do this, create a file called keywords.txt in the Morse directory.It should look like this:

Each line has the name of the keyword, followed by a tab (not spaces), followed by the kind ofkeyword.Classes should be KEYWORD1 and are colored orange; functions should be KEYWORD2 and willbe brown.You'll have to restart the Arduino environment to get it to recognize the new keywords.
/Add2.h - Library功能:将两个操作数相加,返回结果/#ifndef Add2_h#define Add2_h#include "WProgram.h" //此句声明了Arduino的标准常量和变量,必须要class Add2 //类名称(可与文件名不同){public: //此处定义全局函数和变量 Add2(); //构造函数,名字要与类名相同 int Calculation(int Val1, int Val2);private: //此处定义私有函数和变量 int Result; //私有函数名前习惯加下划线“_”};#endif复制代码

/*Add2.h - Library功能:将两个操作数相加,返回结果复制代码


Add2 KEYWORD1 //类名,用KEYWORD1,注意:中间为Tab符,而不是空格
Calculation KEYWORD2 //函数名,用KEYWORD2,,注意:中间为Tab符,而不是空格

#include <Add2.h>Add2 ad; //此处声明扩展库中的Add2类在本代码中使用的缀名,可自定义void setup(){Serial.begin(9600);}void loop(){for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++){ int val =ad.Calculation(i,i); Serial.println(val); delay(500);}}复制代码


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