//Program by Jeremy Blum
// 当室内昏暗并有人走动时点亮LED灯
//Turn on an LED if a room is dim, and motion is detected
//Define Pins
int motionPin = 0; 距...详情
//Program by Jeremy Blum
// 当室内昏暗并有人走动时点亮LED灯
//Turn on an LED if a room is dim, and motion is detected
//Define Pins
int motionPin = 0; 距离感应器接在引脚0
int lightPin = 1; 光敏电阻接在引脚1
int ledPin = 9;
//Distance Variables
int lastDist = 0; 上次距离
int currentDist = 0; 当前距离
//Threshold for Movement
int thresh = 200; Threshold含义是门槛,阈值
void setup()
//The LED pin needs to be set as an output
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
void loop()
// read the sensor
int lightVal = analogRead(lightPin); lightVal第一次使用,所以要定义类型,此处为int
currentDist = analogRead(motionPin);
//Does the current distance deviate from the last distance by more than the threshold?
if ((currentDist > lastDist + thresh || currentDist < lastDist - thresh) && lightVal < 800)
{ 如果室内光线值小于800,并且当前距离和上次距离差距大于阈值
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); ||为或者意思,表明2个条件
delay(1000); 只要满足其一
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
lastDist = currentDist; 将当前距离值赋予上次距离